
MS in Environmental Systems with Math Modeling option

MS in Environmental Systems with Math Modeling option

When I completed my MS Thesis at Humboldt State University (HSU), I was quite busy. The weekend of May 16th, I played Trombone with the band I managed, the Humboldt Firkin Tappers, at the Legendary Boonville Beer Festival. Two weeks later, Sharyn and I got 

History Will Repeat Itself Until We Evolve Past It

History Will Repeat Itself Until We Evolve Past It

I am not sure my title conveys the thesis of my thought. Democracy is an attempt at keeping the power of governance in the hands of the people, keeping it out of the “hands of the few”. In the current political sphere in the USA, 

Move Complete!

Move Complete!

Just completed a move of www.eukota.com and www.darrellandsharyn.com from my friend Doug’s old server to Dreamhost.com. It felt like it took less than a day. I’m really digging the new interface with the hosting and having the DNS and Web Hosting at the same location. Seriously considering moving my registration over too so they can manage everything. I really like their support and their web interface.

I can do a lot more custom stuff here and will be trying some parts out soon.