More Nuclear Fission Links

More Nuclear Fission Links

I have continued to debate with proponents of using Nuclear Fission power plants to meet increasing energy demands. I stumbled upon this website and found their FOR and AGAINST argument lists to sum it up pretty nicely — Here’s their list followed by the question 

Energy Links and Nuclear Fission

Energy Links and Nuclear Fission

I was going to type up some long bit about my current energy research readings and such but I just could not decide how to format it all. Well, that and I’m lazy. Enel is in the planning stages of a industrial scale hydrogen burning 

Thesis – Analysis – Scenario 2

Thesis – Analysis – Scenario 2

The second scenario in my analysis section looks at power supplied by 140MW of wind (purple), 50MW of solar (yellow), 50MW of ocean–wave (blue), and 64.3MW of biomass (green). This scenario leaves out the fossil fuel (brown) and the transmission (red). A one week run