Website Migration

Website Migration

I am in the process of migrating my website to a new format. I am going to use MkDocs hosted on GitHub Pages. I have already gotten the skeleton of the site up at

Winter 2011

Winter 2011

Kind of a dreary winter here in Abilene, Texas. Temperatures have ranged from freezing (20’s) to nice (60’s). The sky is often overcast. We spend our evenings inside watching Netflix. We have recently taken to watching all the Star Trek series. Sharyn watched the original 

History Will Repeat Itself Until We Evolve Past It

History Will Repeat Itself Until We Evolve Past It

I am not sure my title conveys the thesis of my thought. Democracy is an attempt at keeping the power of governance in the hands of the people, keeping it out of the “hands of the few”. In the current political sphere in the USA,