Update Ashworth Ave

Update Ashworth Ave

We moved from Abilene, Texas to Seattle, Washington back in April 2013. I am fond of saying “we escaped to Seattle” as my affection for Texas is quite low. Seattle, by comparison, is amazing. I have found every possible group to satisfy my million hobbies. 

Farewell California, Hello Texas!

Farewell California, Hello Texas!

I have not posted on here in some time. My previous post where I say that I am super busy was quite accurate. A lot has transpired since then. (1) To my own astonishment, I completed my Masters Thesis. I defended, completed the paper, and 

Spinning Wheel Design (Idea)

Spinning Wheel Design (Idea)

Was just pondering spinning wheels since my housemate’s boyfriend built her an electric one that works pretty good. However, it IS electric which means it is still post-industrial revolution and requires a 110V 60Hz power hookup. What if you cut a bicycle frame (see photo)